钻石谷 湖
Metropolitan built 钻石谷湖 as a promise for the future. 巨大的水库, 坐落在两座山坡之间, plays a vital role in how we manage 和 deliver drinking water. By storing up to six months together with all of our storage accounts of emergency supplies, the reservoir serves as a critical lifeline, helping Southern California get through dry times 和 catastrophes. It also provides important habitat for plants 和 animals 和 popular recreational amenities for the community.
钻石谷湖 serves as an indispensable asset, one that reflects Metropolitan’s commitment to water reliability, 环境管理, 和 a climate resilient future for Southern California.
钻石谷湖’s story is one of thoughtful planning 和 foresight. Its construction during the late 1990s marked a bold 和 historic achievement for Metropolitan. 从那时起, the reservoir has been instrumental in carrying us through challenging water scenarios, 包括几次多年干旱. The reservoir was built to hold enough water to serve nearly 2.4 million Southern California families for a year. 最多可存储810个,000 acre-feet of water (264 billion gallons), nearly doubling the region’s prior surface water storage capacity when it became operational.
Water stored in DVL travels from Northern California through the 国家水利工程 和 its 444-mile California Aqueduct before being delivered to the reservoir through the Inl和 Feeder 和 the Eastside Pipeline. Stored water can be routed to almost all of Metropolitan’s service area if needed during a drought or an emergency.
The reservoir is in the city of Hemet in southwest Riverside County, about 90 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles. The 搜索 for the reservoir site spanned four years 和 consideration of 13 sites before leaders decided on the hourglass-shaped Diamond 和 Domenigoni valleys. The location was chosen for its elevation allowing for gravity flows, 清洁水力发电机会, 改善水质, 和 proximity to Metropolitan's existing water delivery system. DVL为4.5英里长
2 miles wide 和 has depths of up to 250 feet.
The reservoir is home to natural habitat areas that protect wildlife 和 ecosystems. Two large nature reserves nearby provide a model for how infrastructure can be built in harmony with nature. The reservoir’s development marked a significant precedent for public/private partnerships 和 raised environmental protection to a new level by focusing on entire ecosystems rather than individual habitats.
阅读更多 about Metropolitan Multi-species Habitat Preservation 和 Protection Program.
Southwestern Riverside County Multi-Species Reserve
钻石谷湖 provides high-quality recreational opportunities that allow for the continued protection of our drinking water supply 和 function in harmony with the natural environment. T在这里 are an array of recreational opportunities including boating, 钓鱼, 划独木舟, 皮划艇和帆船, 以及相邻的多用途步道, 自行车道, 以及公共公园设施. 设施包括.5 miles of shoreline 钓鱼, a marina 和 concession area, 和 park facilities.
检查 在这里 for more general information about the marina 和 recreation.
The reservoir provides boating, 钓鱼, kayaking, 划独木舟 和 sailing opportunities. Boating 和 钓鱼 are available year-round. To support the reservoir’s recreational values 和 protect drinking water quality, Metropolitan established rules 和 regulations for visitors, 休闲用户, 和钻石谷湖的划船者. Body contact (such as swimming, water skiing 和 use of personal watercraft) is prohibited. Boats are required to have clean-burning engines that use direct fuel injection. 游客s are responsible for knowing 和 complying with all California Division of Boating 和 Waterways 和 Department of Fish 和 Wildlife regulations.
检查 在这里 for a full list of boating rules, requirements 和 rental information.
One of the greatest concerns for both water quality 和 system operations is the spread of invasive quagga mussels. 的贻贝, which are spread by commercial ships 和 recreational boats, 可以快速繁殖, 堵塞管道和泵送机械, 和 ruin the ecology of lakes 和 reservoirs. 一旦湖泊生态被改变, the growth of algae can occur 和 affect the taste of a region’s drinking water. 的贻贝 have been found along the 科罗拉多河 at 湖 Havasu, 湖 Mead 和 湖 Mohave. 他们没有在DVL被发现. 防止病毒传播, boats visiting DVL have launch requirements 和 craft operators will be interviewed to insure requirements listed 在这里 被跟踪.
检查 在这里 for additional quagga reference material. The California Department of Fish 和 Game offers additional resources 在这里.
游客 信息
位于湖的东端, the marina 和 concession area offer boat rentals 和 钓鱼 supplies. 检查 在这里 了解更多信息. 点击 在这里 工时和费用.
与水库相邻的是一个 水上中心 和 社区公园 由 全谷娱乐和公园区. Swimming, sports fields, fitness trails 和 picnic areas are available.
Panoramic 的观点 can be found at the Clayton A. 记录,小. 的观点. The 的观点 offers free admission 和 is open from 8:30 a.m. 到下午4点.m. 周四到周日. It is 关闭d Easter, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas 和 New Year’s Day. 《188bet棋牌平台》向Clayton A致敬. 记录,小., a fourth generation San Jacinto native who was a dairy farmer, successful businessman 和 distinguished elected official 和 community leader, who helped develop regional water policy as Eastern Municipal Water District’s representative on Metropolitan’s board, 他还担任过副董事长.
周围的山 & 小径
钻石谷湖’s trails provide access to extraordinary l和scapes, 的观点, 和大自然的季节性礼物. 徒步旅行者, cyclists 和 equestrians can enjoy a substantial trail system for hiking, cycling 和 horseback riding through the hills surrounding the reservoir.
The construction of DVL’s Don Owen West dam, Carl Boronkay East dam 和 Saddle dams represented one of the largest earthwork projects in the nation. It took place between 1995 和 2000 和 involved a foundation excavation of more than 40 million cubic yards of earth 和 110 million cubic yards for embankment construction. A literal mountain of rock was moved from the south rim of the reservoir 和 placed across the valley floor to form two dams, 一个2.一英里长,另一英里长.5英里长,在4号河的两端.5英里谷. Materials for the earth-core rock fill dams were all sourced within the project boundary. T在这里 were two rock processing plants set up for the project 和 together, their production exceeded the capability of any single commercial processing operation in California. 使用的施工设备 — 铲子,装载机和卡车 — were the largest available in the industry 和 set a new st和ard for earth 和 rock movement.
使 & 保护历史
Development of DVL was grounded in our commitment to serving customers 和 protecting the environment. Along the way came remarkable historical discoveries. 整整七年, two-person paleontology teams worked at opposite ends of the valley for 10-hour shifts, 20小时天, 一周188bet棋牌平台六天, following massive earth-moving equipment. 他们会发现, 许多专家认为, a collection of fossils to rival the famous La Brea Tar Pits. The area was called, “The Valley of the Mastodons.” One of the more famous discoveries was Max the Mastodon. More than two decades after the discovery, it was determined that Max was the first new mastodon species named in more than 50 years from North America (Mammut pacificus, 太平洋乳齿象). 在开挖, bones 和 skeletons were found from extinct mastodons 和 also mammoth, 骆驼, 懒惰, 恐狼和长角野牛.
读 更多关于Max的信息
These archeological discoveries inspired the opening of the 西部科学中心 in 2006. It holds archaeological 和 paleontological finds from the valley’s human inhabitants 和 more than one million prehistoric fossils.
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